Wright Brothers Links

Wright Brothers and General Interest Links

Pictures and information about the Wright Brothers and their airplanes

Ohio Air & Space Organization 

     General information. Globally recognized as the “Birthplace of Aviation,” the great state of Ohio. 
Wright State University – Picture Collection
Hundreds of digital pictures relating to the Wright Brothers, their aircraft, family,
awards, etc.
Wright State University – General Information
General information about the Wright Brothers and their achievements
Wright State University – Links
Twenty great links to sites providing information about the Wright Brothers, their
achievements and more
Solar Navigator – Orville and Wilbur Wright
Describe how the Wright Brothers invented the first successful heavier-than-
aircraft and the problems they had getting credit for their invention
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum – Wright Brothers Exhibition
Pictures and information about the Wright Brothers
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum – Milestones of Flight
Milestones and dates of significant achievements in aviation
Library of Congress – Links
This page contains links to a multitude of photographs (viewable and downloadable)
as well as papers, patents, and additional information about the Wright Brothers
Library of Congress – First Flight
Images of patent, telegram and Orville Wright diary etc., and brief written information
relative to the Wright Brothers’ first successful flight
PBS NOVA – Flying Machine
Wright Brothers’ early flying machine, how it worked plus links to related sites
National Park Service – Dayton Aviation Heritage
Dayton area sites related to aviation heritage
National Park Service – Wright Brothers’ National Memorial, North Carolina
Pictures and information about the Wright Brothers’ and the memorial at Kitty Hawk,
North Carolina
Wright Seaplane Base, Inc.
Pictures and information about seaplanes that the Wright Brothers’ built
Smithsonian Aerial America, Ohio
Video flyover of historic sites including aviation sites in Ohio

Teacher Resources
NAHA — Wright Brothers Teacher’s Guide
Includes background information on the Wright Brothers with guided questions,
teacher instructions, six student activity sheets and a list of Web sites and books.
North Carolina Archives
Teacher resources for grades 6, 7, and 8
Lesson Planet
Teacher approved Wright Brothers educational resources and activities
Bright Hub Education
Lesson plans for the Wright Brothers’ first flight
Activities for learning about the Wright Brothers and their aircraft

Legacy of the Wright Brothers in Mars
Library of Congress
Teacher guide, classroom materials, pictures and more
Wright State University
Lesson Plans – Wright Brothers and Daily Life, Wright Brothers and Science,
and Wright Brothers Documents, an Analysis

Simulations for Learning
NASA – Interactive Wind Tunnel
Interactive Wright 1901 wind tunnel that lets the user collect and analyze data to calculate
lift and drag for different airfoil shapes

First Flight
Flight simulations, lift/drag experiments and some history of flight

General Information
PBS NOVA – Lift and Drag
Provides general information about lift and drag
Aviation Dayton
News and information relative to aviation in the Dayton, Ohio region
National Aviation Heritage Area
Information about and directions to sites in the Dayton, Ohio region that are
relevant to aviation history

Aviation Museums
National Museum of the Air Force
Galleries of historic military aircraft and missiles, war and post war exhibits, movie
theaters and much more
WarBird Alley
Considerable amount of information about military aircraft, including a listing of
military aviation museums in the USA and around the world
Champaign Aviation Museum
Located on historic Grimes Field, it contains several historic aircraft plus the ability
to watch the in-progress restoration of a WWII Boeing B-17G bomber
Solent Sky Museum
A “Hall of Aviation in Southampton, England” with links to aviation museums
in Europe and North America

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